

If you have a link that you think should be included, please email me.


ARM Linux

You might find a device driver source or something, which could be useful for examining. Look out for the Econet (6854 ADLC) driver.


StrongARM processors

Developer site for the StrongARM processor.


Operating Systems supporting the ARM


Home of the ARM processor

Some interesting support information, but unfortunately nothing on the older generation processors (at least, not that I could find).


ARM compiler

ARM C compiler for Windows NT. Supports only ARM 7. Outputs ARMELF format files.
Also provides a link for ARM ELF Gnu tools for NT.



Fancy trying Nick Roberts' ASM assembler? It's good, it does all the AOF stuff, and it is probably every bit as good as objasm, if not more so!


About Acorn and ARM processors

by Richard Atterer.
If you came here out of (morbid?) curiosity, this well written document explains the machines and the processors; and helps to divulge why those people involved with the system seem to be blind advocates. It's not that it's the worlds 'best' system, but rather Acorn put effort into making it a good productive system...


The CodeVault

Fancy getting into coding in a bigger way? This may give you a head start...


Doom It Yourself

Written in C and assembler, this allows you to 'roll your own' port of DOOM for RISC OS machines. Requires the GNU compiler.


Element 14

The old Acorn Group is the new Element 14.
Or something like that...



The people responsible for keeping RISC OS alive, and bringing us RISC OS 4...



My God! Somebody is actually mad enough to try to pull this off!
Actually, I wish them the best of luck. It'd be nice to have a GOOD (free?) browser.



Release of StrayLight utilities source. Some useful tools.


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Copyright © 2000 Richard Murray